Holiday Shopping: A Guide For Survivors & Allies
Finding Gratitude - When You’re Not Feeling Grateful
Callisto’s Search for a Miracle Has Ended…
CT Families Rally Behind Survivors
Hope Is Never “Lost”
Perpetrators (Not Victims) Should Be Scared
A Hero Has Emerged!
“Perpetrators are breathing a sigh of relief.”
Callisto’s Crisis: A Matched Survivor Speaks Out
When a Painful Moment Turns into a Powerful Movement
We’re heartbroken.
We Don’t Always Say “Survivors,” Because Not Everyone Survives.
Back to School Safety Tips
What’s going on with Title IX?
Passing the Torch
Technology as a Tool Toward Healing + Justice
College Tours: What You Should Ask about Sexual Assault
Weinstein & Title IX & Bears, Oh My!
Survivor-Shaped Specters and Gaps
In some sense I am a survivor-shaped ghost, an absent presence, a kind of academic shadow or specter. Like other academic specters, I am what academia tries to forget and repress. Like all ghosts, we haunt.
Looking Ahead
As we prepare for 2024, we already know we have our next pressing goal to reach: make sure at least one person in every friend group knows about Callisto. Our tool is only as powerful as the number of survivors who are aware of it, so we need more people to share our mission with others.