Weinstein & Title IX & Bears, Oh My!

Sexual Assault Awareness Month is always a busy time for orgs fighting to end sexual violence. But April 2024 has been….well, busier than most.

You might have heard that women online have been asked “Would you rather be left alone in the woods with a man you don’t know, or a bear?”

Their overwhelming answer? A bear.

Some of their explanations included:

  • If I was attacked by a bear, at least people would believe me.

  • If I survived a bear attack, no one would ask what I was wearing.

  • If I ignored the bear, it would be less likely (instead of more likely) to attack me.

  • The bear wouldn’t pretend to be something it wasn’t.

These conversations highlight how women are conditioned to constantly anticipate and attempt to avoid violence…while simultaneously being told their fear of being harmed is irrational.

And while a bear that mauls someone is likely to be hunted or killed on the spot, a man who has repeatedly perpetrated harm is most likely to be roaming around (in the woods or elsewhere)… having faced no accountability, whatsoever.

1 Step Forward…2 Steps Back

When it comes to holding serial perpetrators accountable, this month has been a mixed bag.

On a positive note, the Biden Administration (finally) released the new Title IX regulations. One powerful addition was the new requirement that, during investigations, schools consider pattern evidence. Title IX attorney, Cari Simon, generously met with us to help explain the implications of these changes when it comes to serial perpetration.

(Watch our full discussion here.)

The day after this video was recorded, survivors and advocates experienced full-blown whiplash as news broke that one of Harvey Weinstein’s rape convictions was overturned. The reason given by the appeals court was that Weinstein’s trial was not fair…because too many victims were permitted to testify against him.

Not only was this news a slap in the face to the brave survivors who came forward to share how Weinstein abused power for decades, but to all survivors who have attempted to seek justice within a system that repeatedly fails them.

As Sexual Assault Awareness Month comes to a close, our resolve to change this system is strengthened…not only by the progress, but also by the continued devastating setbacks. 

But we can’t do this work without your help.

Your support is needed to help us continue to leverage technology to empower survivors and hold perpetrators accountable, please consider making a donation today. Thank you for making this vital work possible!


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