College Tours: What You Should Ask about Sexual Assault

At Callisto, we believe that knowledge is power, and that survivors deserve protection, support, and the opportunity to make informed decisions…especially as they decide whether or not to report.

We know that sexual violence is a pervasive problem on college campuses nationwide, with over 2.5 million college students experiencing sexual assault each year. However, there is significant variation in how each school addresses this issue, promotes prevention initiatives, processes reports, investigates incidents, and supports those affected.

And unfortunately, students and their loved ones are often unaware of how their school deals with sexual violence until after a student has experienced a violation and is attempting to seek support and/or pursue justice – whether that be through the school’s counseling center, a Title IX office, or using a secure platform like Callisto Vault.

While most students and families looking at colleges are eager to learn more about academic and social life, it is just as critical to understand how each institution approaches campus safety and addresses sexual violence. Even though one might believe that this information is easily accessible, the reality is that schools will typically provide information about their policies, but are not fully transparent about their campus safety statistics. And families are often unsure what questions they can or should ask to make an informed assessment of the campus.

So, we were honored when our valued partner, Jenna Almonte of THE I AM Journey, invited us to collaborate on creating a comprehensive guide designed to help college-bound students and their families navigate the important topic of sexual violence during their campus tours.

If you, your child, or a loved one is in the process of touring colleges, this free guide will help you know the questions to ask in order to make informed decisions as you embark on this exciting (and at times overwhelming) journey!


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